Private Customers

Savings Calculation

Have your personal savings through the use of Frequent Flyer Programs calculated here!

This easy-to-use application allows you to have quickly calculated what financial savings you can expect approximately from the use of Frequent Flyer Programs. We distinguish whether you use the standard program operated by your home carrier only or your individually best programs.

All you have to do is to fill out the following table with the number of your yearly return flights (scheduled flights only). Your flights should therefore be classified into domestic flights, regional flights (e.g. within Europe or Asia) and intercontinental flights (e.g. from Europe to the Americas or from Asia to Australia).

Prior to take-off, please pay attention to three important points helping you to understand the results better:

  1. For the version using the program operated by your home carrier, we assume that 70% of all your flights qualify for points accrual in that program.
  2. We base our calculations in both cases on average air fares. Slight differences to your real values can therefore occur depending on how you use your paid as well as your award flights.
  3. Additional savings through the use or program partners such as car rentals, hotels and credit cards are not taken into account. You can easily double the shown savings for both cases through an intense and optimized use!
 Economy Class  Business Class  First Class
Domestic flights
Regional flights
Intercontinental flights

Your yearly savings through the use of Frequent Flyer Programs:
Use of standard programs:
Optimised use of all programs: